Jillian Baker, BM BS MRCP PhD

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Dr. Baker has conducted and published extensive research in the field of molecular pharmacology and receptor signaling and is a noted authority on the pharmacology of adrenoceptors. She has pursued both research and clinical medicine concurrently as a joint career and was awarded a Wellcome Trust Clinician Scientist Fellowship (2004-2010) to continue research while completing clinical training. In 2010, Dr. Baker was appointed honorary consultant in respiratory medicine in Queen’s Medical Centre and in 2013 a professor of drug discovery and respiratory medicine in the School of Life Sciences.

Dr. Baker began specialist registrar training in respiratory medicine in Nottingham and was awarded a Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellowship to do a basic science PhD in pharmacology in Nottingham under the supervision of Professor Steve Hill and Professor Ian Hall. Dr. Baker obtained her medical degree from the University of Nottingham and completed junior doctor training in Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham City Hospital and Derbyshire Royal Infirmary.